The illustration above is a double page spread from the picture book idea I have been working on. Prince Benji a large spoilt Persian cat falls off his balcony in the suburbs, and ends up getting lost in the city. As you can see in this picture he gets caught, and taken to the cat pound. It is a simple story with very little text, I wanted the pictures to tell the story as much as the words. In fact on some pages (the picture above for instance) there are no words, but details and signs/sign posts with in the picture give clues to what is happening.
I've had a rest from the illustration and spent last week in Derbyshire doing family history research. In the local records office I found a will from my earlist known ancestor John Sherwin who died in 1777. Unfortunately his date of birth is not on the parish records so it seems unlikely that I will get much further back than this. I need now to go back and modify much of the comic book I have been working on.